TOMS is perhaps the best-known example of an ecommerce business doing good with every product sold. TOMS TOMS is one of the earliest examples of an ecommerce doing good To put this concept into perspective, we’ve put together a list of the 10 best socially responsible initiatives from different brands and industries that keep customers coming back for more. Customers no longer want to be sold to-instead, they want to get involved with brands that not only care about their business but also care about the world at large. This stems from different generational values and how Gen Z is becoming the top desired target market for advertisers. From the way, products are created, distributed, and sold to the benefits and opportunities a business provides to its employees and community. Customers are now demanding that brands be authentic and impactful in their communities. Social good, supporting charities, and being political are all strategies ecommerce brands are using to retain their customers. Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environments and society as a whole.” - Investopedia
'Social responsibility is the idea that businesses should balance profit-making activities with activities that benefit society.